We can offer a service to you that meets the quality and integrity of the information you offer to us. Misleading information or information you offer to us that may be have unlawfully gathered will not result in a better mediation outcome for you. We act on information given to us which we believe to be lawful and safe. If you request the use of a pseudonym this may have implications for the serviceability of the agreement you reach. Pseudonyms can be used when all parties agree and Family Relief is aware of the use of pseudonyms.
If you believe you have been contacted by Family Relief and believe this to be a mistake or unlawful please let us know with the use of a 20 minute free discussion so that we can resolve any misunderstandings.
Information will only be stored by Family Relief if it is relevant to the service we offer you and often includes requests for current Orders. We will only ask for information that is needed for helping you and your family and to ensure safety for all concerned.
You can request to check information held by Family Relief about you and Family Relief will work hard to ensure that information held is accurate, current and relevant. Assessments by Family Relief will not be able to be changed upon a client’s request because these are interpretations by Family Relief with the information given at the time.
Information can only be shared with other entities with your permission to do so. This often can include requests to others for information such as asking for a form to be completed. This can also be the sharing of information we have about you such as your solicitor, a school or others you have requested.
There are times consent would not be required.
If there is a serious safety risk to yourself or someone else (including children) Family Relief has an obligation to preserve life above all else. If we are concerned we will share information so that adequate help can be offered to those who need it.
Our notes can be requested by a Court – however notes from Family Dispute Resolution meetings will not be included in the information shared to Family Court proceedings. You are in a unique situation when in mediation to be able to share the information that you may have not normally shared – all for the purpose of helping the family transition more easily.
Information held about you will be kept within Australia and safe with the use of Splose.com. Any services that involve persons who are off shore will only be with the expressed consent of the other party for the purpose of Family Dispute Resolution.
Any concerns you have about your privacy can be forwarded to Family Relief in the first instance or to AASW, Resolution Institute or the Office of Australian Information Commissioner if your questions have not be adequately resolved.