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Safeguarding the Sanctuary: for High Conflict Separated Parenting
When preparing for our second blog post, Family Relief became distracted by responding to Facebook interactions from our first post (Brindley 2024a). It had been our intention to invite public thought...
Stage of Change - conflict (1)
What Stage are You in Conflict? Stages of Family Disputes
Knowing when to implement what strategy is critical for conflict management and is the basis for conflict analysis (Condiffe 2019; Demby 2016; Jeong 2009). This article invites professional practitioners...
Parenting Coordination
Benefits Of Parenting Coordination In Post-Separation Family Dynamics
Parenting Coordination is an essential service that plays a crucial role in helping high-conflict families navigate the complexities of post-separation parenting. It is a child-focused management and dispute-resolution...
EMDR – The Gold Star Treatment for The Things You Don’t Want To Talk About
Although life can be a journey full of happiness and success, it also has its fair share of difficulties and traumas. Managing many challenges in life leaves us with long-lasting memory scars that can...